GTK, the Gimp Tool Kit, is a widget set
for the graphical user interface. It is available for quite a lot
As usual for projects developed with/for Unix like operating systems
(e.g. Linux) GTK is written in plain
C. The ordinary plain C lacks the possibility of object orientated
programming (OOP). But a widget calls for OOP, so the C implementation
is a little bit ugly to deal with.
Making GTK available to Pascal programmers requires a translation
of the C header files of GTK. This is available at
the FreePascal
homepage. Since those header files are a straight translation from
C there is still no OOP included.
The idie of eliminating this lack lead to th founding of the GTKpas project. It
is an OO wrapper for GTK. Each widget is represented by a class. The
classes have relationships between each other (inheritance).
Programming a GUI is much more fun with GTKpas compared to
direct usage of the GTK functions.
In addition to the standard GTK a wrapper for
GtkGLArea namely
GTKpasGLArea is available. These wrappers simplify embedding OpenGL drawing area in a GTK window.
Almost 20 examples explaining the usage of the GTKpas widgets have
been taken from the GTK tutorial
and translated to Pascal.
GTKpas is distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public
License (GPL). You may freely download and distribute it as
long as you supply the copyright information.